• Installation View, Almost Done, 5533, 2013

Protocinema Series at 5533
İMÇ 5.Blok no: 5533, Unkapanı-Istanbul
July 2015 - April 2016

Protocinema launches Proto5533, a new exhibition series at 5533, during the 2015 - 2016 season. Proto5533 will be a year-long series of exhibitions by emerging artists and curators, accompanied by amentoring system and public programs.

Proto5533 selected curators consist of a new generation of curators in Istanbul, who come from a range of backgrounds and experiences as writers for publications; working in galleries, museums, and residency programs; and as independent curators. Each of the selected curators will propose and organize their own exhibition with artists, mostly from Turkey, and will be given feedback on their proposals and exhibitions from the Mentor Curators. This Proto5533 program provides an incubator space for emerging artists and curators to gain experience in making exhibitions. They willlearn by doing, with guidance from art professionals both locally and abroad. The selected curators will work with mentors to gain knowledge and insights into the curatorial process and to find their own voices. The emerging curators will exhibit work by emerging artists, thus supporting the artists by providing needed exhibition opportunities and a context for dialogue. By providing early-career artists and curators with the tools they need to grow, Protocinema and 5533 are ensuring that the next generation is equipped to contribute meaningfully to the conversation.

Selected Curators: Naz Cuguoğlu, Kevser Güler, Mehmet Kahraman, Ghaith Mofeed,Nicole O'Rourke, Ilhan Ozan, Ulya Soley

Mentor Curators: Celenk Bafra, Curator, Istanbul Modern, Istanbul; Anne Ellegood, Senior Curator, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Övül Durmusoğlu, Independent Curator Berlin/Istanbul; Anthony Huberman, Chief Curator, Wattis ICA, San Francisco; November Paynter, Associate Director of Research and Programs, SALT; Mari Spirito, Director, Protocinema, Istanbul/New York; François Quintin,Director Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette, Paris; Yasmil Raymond, Associate Curator, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

5533 was founded in 2007 by artists Nancy Atakan and Volkan Aslan, is an independent contemporary art space in Istanbul that presents exhibitions, research, and debates. Emphasizing dialogue it aims to foster contemporary art projects based on critical reflection. This off-space is located inside an old store in the Istanbul Trader's Association (IMÇ) han/shopping center. It aims to establish, within the Istanbul art context, a "contact zone" to bring together people from different disciplines, occupations, and backgrounds. Coming this fall Merkez Radyo, interviews with artists, music, everything, Stay tuned.

Protocinema is a mission driven, 501(c)3, art organization realizing Site-Aware exhibitions around the world (based in Istanbul and New York).The organization is itinerant and free of 'brickand mortar'.Collaborations, interventions and exhibitions are presented in spaces specific to each artists' vision while being responsive to context.Protocinema creates opportunities for emerging andestablished artists from all regions, in cities where their work has yet to have been exhibited extensively. Protocinema seeks to open up dialogue and improve mutualunderstanding between individuals through art.Founded in 2011 by Mari Spirito,Protocinema was named to embody motion and cognition, after a Werner Herzog observation of The Chauvet-Pont-d'ArcCave paintings as almost "proto-cinema" in style of representation - capturing perception, articulation and a sense of movement.Announcing: Proto5533 Protocinema Series at 5533: One-year of exhibitions by emerging artists and curators with a mentor system and public programming.


Proto5533 is funded with support from an upcoming FONGOGO campaign,, private individuals and maybe you.


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